Bose Krishnamachari
Kerala, 1963
Well known for his various experimental works, Bose initially worked on abstracts and later turned towards more conceptual ways of expressing himself including experimentation with second hand books. During the mid nineties he turned towards making portraits of internationally acclaimed artists to prove that painting as a traditional medium was not dead while also trying to engage him self with museum discourse by creating paintings and curating shows.
He ‘de-curated’ himself and then went on to curate several path-breaking shows including ‘Bombay Boys’, ‘Double-Enders’, ‘KAAM’, ‘Maarkers’ and ‘Soft Spoken’. Bose Krishnamachari has participated in several international shows and camps and his work can be seen in major collections in India and abroad.
Bose Krishnamachari is considered the mentor of the generation of young artists from Mumbai known as the ‘Bombay Boys’. His studio in Mumbai attracts artists, designers, filmmakers and architects and has often been compared to Andy Warhol’s Factory.
Bose Krishnamachari has mounted a number of solo shows, the most prominent of these being, Amuseum (1992), Objects of Attention (1995), Dandy (1996), De Curating – Indian Contemporary Artists (2003) and the very recent Ghost: Transmemoir (2006), at Gallery Artsindia, NY. (2007) The Bombay Boys I with Willem Baars Projects at Art Amsterdam
Bose has also participated in numerous group shows including NGMA’s, 50 Years of Indian Art (1999), Persistence of Memory (1997), and Memos for the New Millennium (2000) amongst many others.