Frank van den Broeck

The drawing style of Frank van den Broeck (1950) is unmistakable and characteristic. He creates images using flowing lines that are concrete, yet allow for various interpretations. As a theme, floating often recurs in his work, making objects seem to float in transitory state, on their way to another place or dimension. The artist’s universe is a common subject in his work.

Motives like the painter’s palette and the unfolded book, where the butterfly derives from, play an important role in his drawings. His work also contains more menacing pictures, with ghostly creatures and masked faces that suddenly appear. A constant in his work is the feeling of transition; the objects and figures seem to refer to another, hidden reality.

Frank van den Broeck, Cheerful fruit, 2001-2002

Frank van den Broeck, Cheerful fruit, 2001-2002

Available artworks

Frank van den Broeck, Cheerful fruit, 2001-2002

Frank van den Broeck, Cheerful fruit, 2001-2002

Frank van den Broeck, Cheerful fruit, 2000

Frank van den Broeck, Cheerful fruit, 2000

Frank van den Broeck, Untitled, 1996

Frank van den Broeck, Untitled, 1996

Frank van den Broeck, The Cloud of Unknowing, 1999

Frank van den Broeck, The Cloud of Unknowing, 1999

Frank van den Broeck, E.A. Poe, 2014

Frank van den Broeck, E.A. Poe, 2014

Frank van den Broeck, Untitled, 2015-2018

Frank van den Broeck, Untitled, 2015-2018

Frank van den Broeck, The Cloud of Unknowing, 2003-2005

Frank van den Broeck, The Cloud of Unknowing, 2003-2005

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