Booth 10
2022 is the year the gallery celebrates its 25th anniversary. This cannot pass unnoticed on this edition of Art Rotterdam. Our presentation will be a showcase of highlights with artists who have given us inspiration, cause for contemplation, and, from time to time, caused a total disruption.
Art Rotterdam has had a great impact on our gallery, and thus we want to pay homage to Rotterdam and the art fair. We are presenting three museum quality paintings by three artists from Rotterdam, who happened to be friends as well: Daan van Golden (1936 – 2017), Co Westerik (1924 – 2018) and Klaas Gubbels (1934). Paintings by Emo Verkerk (1955), Bob Bonies (1937), Morgan Betz (1974), Rob Birza (1962) and Lucassen (1939) complete the anniversary parade.